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О ВМФ в группе Google
здравствуйте все. Представляю Вам пост из англоязычной группы на Гугле в которой обсуждается Россия. ПОсвящен он ВМФ РФ в настоящем и будущем: http://groups.google.com/group/Untimely_Thoughts_An_Expert_Discussion_Group_on_Russia?hl=en As a guide, see the Wikipedia entry for the current inventory of ships: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Russian_Navy_ships_and_submarines We all know that since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Russian Navy has been in a state of decline. President Putin has starting addressing the problem during his tenure, but there is a lot more work to be done to get the Russian Navy up to scratch, and it will cost many billions of dollars. Hopeful points are the development of six new aircraft carriers. Anyone has more info on this? Will these carriers be capable of competing with the US ones? I have heard the point being raised that Russia does not have sufficient shipyards to take on such an ambitious construction project. The new Borei class submarines are a positive development. At the moment, it would appear to me as if the Russian Navy would be no match for the US Navy, correct me if I'm wrong.
И к чему это представление??? Кстати явно видно что писал ктото, английским не владеющий.
И к чему это представление?
Вроде Гугл в рекламе не нуждается. Значит нуждается в ней вышеназванный пост на Гугле |agr|
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