Страница о
подводных лодках
Подводный фронт адмирала Коробова (памяти
В.К. Коробова посвящается). Столкновение
американских подводных лодок 19 марта 1998 г.
Подводные лодки и актуальные проблемы контроля
над вооружениями.
Каталог кораблей
технические данные и фотографии русских
крейсеров периода русско-японской и первой
мировой войн.
The only large host available in English containing information about Russian Navy.
The State of the Russian Navy
Russian Aircraft Carrier Development. Index of
Russian Naval Ship Names. Aviation cruisers,
submarines, major surface combatants and certain small combatants, naval aviation.
Naval Construction Programs 1995.
The History
of Russian Navy
Main Navy Parade. St.Petersburg, July, 28. Three centuries of
Russian Navy. Modern ships of Russian Navy. The history of Russian Navy. Russian
armoured fleet.
and Soviet Submarine Insignia Photos (english
Soviet WWII Excellent Submariner, Soviet Commanding Officer's Pin
(1942-1991), Soviet Divizia (Squadron) Commander's Pin (1942-1991), Submarine Distant
Patrol Pin (1961), Soviet 15th. Anniversary of a Nuclear Submarine Pin, etc.
Port is an online catalogue of high quality maritime related Internet resources. Every
resource has been selected and described by a librarian or subject specialist. Services
and materials developed by the Museum's Centre for Maritime Research are also available on
this site.
United States Coast Guard
US Coast Guard website providing information about boating safety,
commercial vessel safety, marine environmental protection,
search and rescue, law enforcement, ice breaking, aids to navigation and other services
provided by the Coast Guard.
"Submarines, Secrets, and Spies"
NOVA: Submarines, Secrets, and Spies - take Quicktime VR tours
through two nuclear attack submarines, and learn about life aboard, and scientific use of,
Navy nuclear attack submarines, and how sound behaves underwater.
U-Boat Net. The U-boat War 1939-1945. The most complete history of German U-boats
in WW2. Includes lists of what happened to each boat, sub Commander information, and book.